Medical weight loss program

Now more than ever, obesity is an epidemic in our society. With constant temptations to eat food that is calorically dense and nutritiously poor, an increasing number of people struggle with weight management. From fast-food joints to foods loaded with artificial preservatives, eating unhealthy food has become the norm for many Americans. Paired with a decline in physical activity throughout the nation, many people are struggling to control their weight.

At LoveLee 4Life, we have the solution for you. Our medically supervised weight loss program is individualized and not a one size fits all cookie-cutter program. We offer short-term 3-months program with weekly visits, body composition, dietary behavior modification education, fat burning injections, slim IV infusions, and a personalized care plan. We also offer a maintenance program after completing the 3 months program. 

phosphatidylcholine (PC) and deoxycholate (DC) Lipolysis injections

Lipodissolve is similar to mesotherapy in that it is an injection lipolysis dissolution solution that is an alternative to a more invasive liposuction procedure. Lipodissolve, however, has a standard formulation consisting of the primary ingredients phosphatidylcholine (PC) and deoxycholate (DC). people have spots in their bodies that protrude or gather fat more so than other areas. For many, it’s that double chin or even the areas around the neck. 

Thank God for PCDC! This product is a one stop “shot” for getting rid of those less-than-ideal areas that are killin’ your flat skin vibes. 

What cosmetic concerns does a lipodissolve procedure treat?

  1. Abdominal Contour: Stubborn belly fat can be dissolved with this therapy.
  2. Arm Shape & Size: The solution can be used to break down arm flab.
  3. Buttocks Shape & Size: Excess fat in the buttocks region can be addressed with lipodissolve.
  4. Cellulite: Lipodissolve contains active ingredients targeted to breaking down and digesting fat cells in various areas of the body.
  5. Excess Body Fat: Lipodissolve breaks down fat cells in various areas of the body.
  6. Leg Shape & Size: Targeted therapy to tops of the thighs can reduce fat cell accumulations.
  7. Neck & Jaw Definition: Lipodissolve can reduce fat collections in the jaw and neck.

Who is the ideal candidate for a lipodissolve procedure?

The ideal candidate for lipodissolve has stubborn fat deposits that are persistent despite diet and exercise. Lipodissolve is not recommended for those at unhealthy weights, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those with soy allergies, or firm or fibrous fat deposits.

What is the average recovery associated with a lipodissolve procedure?

Most patients experience limited downtime and recover from lipodissolve within a day or two. Normal activities can be resumed after the procedure, but strenuous exercise should be limited for a few days. Redness, swelling, and bruising will resolve within 10 days.

What are the potential side effects of a lipodissolve procedure?

Possible side effects following a lipodissolve procedure include redness, stinging, swelling, bruising, lightheadedness, nodule formation at the injection site, allergic reaction, and skin necrosis.

What can someone expect from the results of a lipodissolve procedure?

Lipodissolve results will become visible after multiple initial injections. Typically four to 10 injections spaced six to eight weeks apart are used for best results. Results will change with weight gain, pregnancy, and aging.

Sauna Blanket

What is infrared heat?

Infrared saunas use light to generate controlled heat. This type is often called “far-infrared” heat. The term is used to describe where the light waves fall on the light spectrum. The resulting heat from this process heats the body without heating the air around the user. This process used in infrared saunas will not create massive amounts of steam that can cloud your vision and make breathing more difficult.

What are the health benefits of  infrared heat?

The health benefits of an infrared sauna blanket including, weight loss, muscle tension relief, detoxification, increased metabolism, and a stronger immune system. The controlled, timed heat, will cause the body to sweat and release toxins. The result is a loss of that excess body fat. Along with diet and exercise, the infrared sauna blanket can maintain a healthy immune system and body weight. The loss of toxins creates a healthy immune system and can boost your metabolism accelerating the burning of body fat. Relaxation is another result of the infrared heat used in the blanket. The controlled heat calms and soothes sore muscles allowing the body to continue moving fast and strong throughout the entire day.


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