Sugars are a part of our daily diet and are important to our bodies. Sugars provide us with energy in day-to-day life. However, anything in too much quantity can affect our bodies negatively. Because of the ease with which we find sugary foods these days, our diet has higher sugar content than any other nutrient. The consumption of processed foods like candies, syrups, jams, packaged breakfast cereals, and cold drinks has led to a lot of sugar in our diet. There are many negative effects of sugar on our bodies. In this article, we discuss the effects of sugar on the body and its organs.

Body parts and the effect of sugar 

Your Teeth

 Too much sugar consumption can rot the teeth’ roots and enamel. Sugar can accumulate and turn into sugar acids by the activity of bacteria on the teeth. This can lead to the accumulation of plague and, in worst cases, cavity. Decayed teeth fall off easily and can lead to disfiguration of appearance and difficulty chewing. You will experience toothache and discolored teeth if you eat too many sugary foods like cold drinks, candies, and too much chocolate.

Joint pain 

If you want healthy joints, try to lay off candy and chocolate. Eating candies and sugary foods can cause inflammation in the knees and other joints of the body. This will lead to pain and irritation in the joints and limbs. This can also lead to premature aging of the joints and bones. High sugar content in the diet can lead to degradation of the joints and bones.

Your Skin 

High sugar content in the diet can lead to inflammation and make your skin age faster. You might face more acne and pimples because of your high sugar intake. If you want clear, glowing skin, it is important to limit your sugar intake. High sugar intake can lead to age spots and discoloration of the skin. You might see the premature appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. You can also face saggy skin due to higher sugar intake and changes in blood composition.

Your liver 

When you eat high-sugar foods, the sugars like fructose are broken down in the liver into fats and stored. This can cause fatty liver disease and also the accumulation of fats in your lower belly. You might also face diseases such as Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. This can lead to scarring of the liver. In extreme cases, the condition can worsen cirrhosis. In worst cases, you might need liver transplantation, or you will face liver failure.

Your heart

Your heart is also affected heavily by sugar intake in your diet because the sugars circulate in the blood and have direct contact with your heart. The extra sugar and insulin in the blood can lead to blood vessel inflammation and thickening of the walls of the blood vessels. This can lead to heart complications and circulatory problems.

There are a number of other parts of the body that can be affected by high sugar intake. It is always advised to eat low carb or low sugars foods and reduce the intake of fast food.